Saturday, November 21, 2009

war, conspiracy and schizophrenia

I had an audition last night. As far as I'm concerned, I pwned the shit out of my monologue, although it won't be for two weeks until I find out if the auditioner(s) share my opinion.
My monologue was about Joan of Arc, and it got me thinking. One of the lines ("My voices were right. Yes: they told me you were fools...") made me realise that many prophets and people posessed by spirits (good and bad) in ancient times, from a modern point of view, would have had schizophrenia or epilepsy or multiple personality disorder. Talk about a dampener on the word of God.
But anyway, I was talking to my grandma on account of living with her, and she was talking about how, during the war they'd ration food and stuff. Now, this is totally understandable in Europe, because things like milk and cream and meat were being used by the army, but Grandma lived in New Zealand. Not only did they have shitloads of dairy products, but the war was on the other side of the world, where they couldn't ship these products because a) the refrigeration methods were ineffective and/or ludicrously expensive and b) international shipping had been stopped. Why, then, was food rationed in New Zealand?

Also, holy crap dude, the year 12s graduated yesterday, leaving the year 11s the seniors of the school. I am, for all practical purposes, in year 12 (though I won't officially be until next year). But the point is, good luck in the real world, however many year 12 readers I have.

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