Tuesday, November 10, 2009


There are three great loves of mine.
1. Doctor Who
2. Performing
3. Nerd jokes
This list doesn't include coffee, because that's just too obvious. I love coffee a bit too much, but it's kindof a catalyst to my awesomeness at point 2 on the list.
But as for nerd jokes, none are more satisfying than the sleazy pickup lines I thought of while doing a practice essay about how poetic devices position a reader to accept a dominant reading.
1. You must be a dominant reading, because I've been positioned to accept you.
2. You must be figurative language, because you're giving me mental images.
3. You can dominate my reading any day.
And yet, I can't get laid.

1 comment:

LameHobo said...

I'm feeling the heat.