Sunday, March 22, 2009

new magical glasses? WHAT?

I need new glasses. But I love my current glasses.
And I can't just get the new lenses put into my current frames, because I need to keep the frames for a hugely complex reason.
But as much as I love glasses, I'm not much in to shopping for them.
Why? Because my interpretation of what should go on my face seems completely different to what everyone else thinks should go on my face, and this was proven when Lyndal tried to do my makeup once, she'll not be trying that again. THEY WILL NOT MAKE ME OVER!
Anyway. Last time, I had the idea in my head that I wanted red, rectangular-framed glasses, but I also thought that electric green would be cool as well, and this is what I told my mum. And if anyone knows how fickle I am and that you should take what I say seriously but not too seriously, especially when it comes to me making a decision, then they will have a pretty clear idea about the conversations that followed. I absolutely fell in love with the frames I have, but mum insisted that we shop around, so we did, and we ended up back where we started, the frames I have now.
My dad is constantly trying to convert me to titanium, because the frames they make are light and fine and from a distance you can barely see them. This, however, is not my idea about glasses. My idea is chunky plastic that can be seen a mile off. This does not stop his case, and he doesn't seem to understand that I love wearing glasses, I really do, they don't bother me in any way, and in fact, they're the most fantastic thing I own (that can be worn). Anyway...
So, we're looking around for glasses in the city today, but found nothing, here's what was going on in my mind as I tried on each pair of frames:
These make me look like mum
These make me look like grandma
These make me look like Velma from Scooby-Doo
These are stupid
These have unnecessary bling
These are pretty good...oh, wait...they're prada...ugh...
These make me look like a pedophile
These are Dad's
I'm fairly sure these are Grandad's
These are just plain awful
These are too geeky
These aren't geeky enough
I've said 'no' to far too many to even consider these

So then we went to Carindale, because my dad's favourite optometrist is there (yeah, weird, shut up) but it turns out they've moved somewhere else that we don't know where is.
But guess how may optometrists there are in Carindale. FIVE. But guess how many were open today. TWO.
One held glasses the likes of Harry Potter and old people, and the other had TOO MANY FANTASTIC FRAMES. Seriously. My "maybe" pile was huge.
Anyway, I went for some black-and-green Converse frames that are just fantastic (and were at a 25% discount, score).
So, apparrently I'll have them in 6-10 days, and until then, I'll be using my old ones, making the most of the time we have left together...*cries quietly*

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