Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentimes is serious times.

Valentine's Day...
I don't feel good about it, nor does it make me angry or sad that I, once again, forgot to get a boyfriend this V-Day. It's just another one of those things I don't care about, but feel I should. Hopeless Romantic Izzie was squished by Izzie With Dignity at about the same time I stopped watching Disney Movies. Which was about 7. The Disney Princess movies, that is, I'll still watch The Lion King or Mulan or something, but even at a young age, I thought Prince Charming would generally be a boring person. Although, Ariel struck it lucky with Eric in The Little Mermaid. A Disney prince with at least a small amount of personality and a kickass pet. And I never even watched Beauty And The Beast. Just putting it out there.
I think this blog started with Valumulumtimes Day. Well, tomorrow for me is mostly my Grandma's birthday. Which probably means Indian Take-Away. GARLIC NAAN WINS AT EVERYTHING. I used to have the best naan bread recipe ever...I think I know where it is...I'll go find it tomorrow...
Is it obvious I'm tired? My holiday-stamina has faded and I'm getting tired at 10 rather than 2AM now. School will do that to you...
Here's a picture I took.

Can I get a "hell yeah"?

PS. And this is the last time I shall say this, but External Working, do you read my blog any more?


[Kentucky.Fried.Clare.] said...

i'll be your valentine!!! :P
i still read your blog. it's not updated very often but i come here daily just to check :)
i'm always checking Izzie-websites.


[Kentucky.Fried.Clare.] said...

beauty and the beast is actually really beautful :)
i dont particularly like other disney princess ones though.