Monday, February 15, 2010

Thing of the Week/ Mr Foster's Box of Joy

My Thing for this week is a paintbrush.
Allow me to explain.
Thing of the Week began way back in year 10, when it was just Hug Week. I'd written "HUG TIME" on a heap of cards and was giving them to people all that week, and for a full year, one of them was stuck to the fan in the art room, until, late last year it was tragically torn off.
At one point last year, I came across a rather large amount of string in House Group one fine Monday. This string remained in my blazer pocket for a whole week. I whipped the string out at guitar ensemble...they weren't impressed. But some of us did find some use for the string when we decided to lasso Mars in an attempt to pull the earth further away from the sun. And yes, we did think it would work.
This week's Thing came into my posession during Extension English this afternoon. I was minding my own business, doing my review and defence (*SIGH*) when suddenly, there appears Mr Foster. And what should Mr Foster be holding? Mr Foster's Box of Joy. A box he had while he was teaching primary school full of pens, pencils and weirdly shaped erasers. I do believe the paintbrush I comandeered from kicks some serious lower-back.

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