Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oh, the glory of things.

There are two bands I've "discovered" over the past week who are awesome and deserve some serious checking out. Of course, by "discovered" I mean I've been linked to their websites by two different, yet very awesome people.

Streetlight Manifesto:



Anyway, it's term 4 now, which means it's that time of year again where Izzie gets annoyed. Mainly at the weather. I don't like humidity, I'm from Armidale, NSW where the humidity is at about -40% and the air turns to dust as you walk through and you have to take 3 baths in moisturiser every day...or at least you would if it weren't so freaking cold and the prospect of being nude in a cold bath is approximate to the idea of having all your vital organs slowly sneezed out of you, so instead you just crack as you walk.
Speaking of NSW, I'd like to point out how lucky it is that I don't care about sport, for you see, as a New South Welshman raised in Queensland, I get a mild twinge of internal conflict at State of Origin time, which would probably tear me apart if I gave a damn who won. But that doesn't stop me being smug every time it's NSW.
So, I suppose the only real reason I'm writing this blog is because I know I'll just get really angry in about 10 minutes if I start finishing (oooh....oxymoron? yes? no? maybe? lobster?) my Chem assignment. 10 minutes because that's the approximate amount of time until Grandma either bursts into my room or calls me on my phone to say that dinner's ready. I just need to fill the time until then. I also don't want to do my Chem assignment. Corrosion protection methods for steel-reinforced concrete is only slightly less tedious than reading the entire Twilight series cover to cover. Seriously, a friend asked me if I wanted to see New Moon when it comes out and I must have misheard, because what I heard was, "I'd like to torture both of us horribly." And another thing about New Moon, why does everyone think it's okay for Bella to develop schizophrenia? What part of IT'S A SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION don't those fangirls understand? Oh, she loves Edward, well that makes it totally okay to hear his voice and throw herself off a cliff just so she can see him, NO IT DOESN'T! Hasn't anyone seen that movie A Beautiful Mind? Remember when Russel Crowe tried to kill his wife and son because his imaginary roomate and his imaginary niece and that imaginary army dude told him to? Surprise ending, the Edward in Bella's head tells her to KILL EVERYONE AND EVERYONE DIES THEN ALL THE FANGIRLS FIND A PROPER BOOK TO READ. Oh, and sorry if I just spoiled the ending of A Beautiful Mind for you. Actually, that wasn't the ending, the ending was much more awesome, but I won't spoil it.
Disclaimer: Yes, I do own the entire Twilight series, yes, I have read the entire Twilight series, no I did not buy any of the books, they were all gifts from people who decided that I needed to read the entire Twilight series. But hey, I now have something to base my hatred on. MISUSE OF MY NAME! MISUSE OF MY NAME! (Yes there are people in the world who call me Bella rather than Izzie...in Italy, a dude at the gelati shop said 'Ciao Bella' and I was like "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!!!" and I kindof felt like a twat.)
Hmm...the fan is blowing on my face, making the top half of my body really cold, but my feet are under a blanket (I'm on my bed) so they're really warm, but I've got a really good body temperature around the middle. Or maybe that's just because my laptop is resting on my knees. Oh well, I'm alarmingly comfortable, and that's what counts.
Anyway, I may have found the GREATEST COUCH EVER. It's on the verandah at my Mum's place. It's been there for two years and I've only just realised how magic it is. It's like someone's sewn a couch togther out of solidified awesome and it's come into my Mum's posession for some reason.
Well, I think that's enough of a ramble for now. Catcha next time I'm procrastinating.

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