Sunday, October 25, 2009

Maths ass-ignment

Getitgetitgetit? Because I said 'ass.'
Anyway, I have a maths assignment due tomorrow and I don't really want to do the remaining 1/3 I have left, so I've been procrastinating.
Procrastination method #1: Bubbleshooter
Procrastination method #2: Created to-do list.
Procrastination method #3: Organised On-The-Go playlist.
Procrastination method #4: Cleaned the pool (which I would never do under normal circumstances).
Procrastination method #5: Checked emails
Procrastination method #6: Bubbleshooter
Procrastination method #7: Found hairspray and wax, styled hair until it was LUDICROUSLY MASSIVE.
Procrastination method #8: Searched for camera to document the BIGHAIR.
Procrastination method #9: Abandoned search for camera, Dailyboothed BIGHAIR.
Procrastination method #10: Unpacked the dishwasher.
Procrastination method #11: Lunch.
Procrastination method #12: Repacked dishwasher.
Procrastination method #13: This Blog.

Now I swear I'll do my maths will...

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