Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bread, Soup and Coffee

Yesterday I astounded a few people by eating a breadroll without any spreads or anything. I know, if all I have to do to pull a crowd is eat bread, I must be something special. But anyway, there wasn't anyone who could understand the attraction of eating bread without anything to liven it up a little. There are two reasons why I was eating bread and only bread.
Firstly, there were no spreads in the house apart from apricot jam, and I wasn't going to take my chances with it. Secondly, even if I was willing to take my chances with the apricot jam, I didn't have time to do anything but grab a plain bread roll.
But the thing is, people have always wondered about the stuff I eat. Like the way I don't have milk on my cereal. Or the way I can eat Schwartzbrot (a german bread thing that no-one likes). I got no end of shit about the Schwartzbrot. Which I didn't understand, because I was eating it like a normal sandwich (with cream cheese) and why should the fact that I like a particular style of German bread have anything to do with anything. I don't give people shit about bringing yoghurt to school (even though they don't eat it with a spoon and it would go all warm in their lunchbox).
But the thing is, my grandma doesn't even think that tomato soup is food unless she makes it herself and badly blends in real tomatoes to my microwaved soup-for-one masterpiece. But the thing is, he baisis for it not being food is that it's from a can, has more preserveatives than actual tomato soup and it's just liquid. I think the reason she likes to blend in real tomatoes is that this way it has indigestable chunks and it is therefore not "just liquid." But with these chunks, it is just unbareable to put this stuff in my mouth. Besides, soup is so much more than liquid, it's real food. And soup-for-one in a can is so much easier to make than pureed tomatoes floating around in hot water. WATCH OUT FOR THE SEEDS! And the stalks, and the bits of can that broke off in the blender...
I'm drinking a damn good coffee right now. I make really good coffee, nothing spesific, just coffee and frothy milk in a mug. The only drawback is that it's decaf. It tastes exactly the same, but I just don't think it's real coffee. This is because the word "coffee" is derived from the word "caffiene" and therefore decaf isn't coffee.
So in conclusion, don't give me shit about what I eat, because I'll blog about it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Introductions...Let's Not Do Away With These Fomralities

Hello Internet!
Well, citizens of Internet, my name is Izzie, and now I have a blog!
I'm a 15 year old high school student from Queensland, Australia (Which is a great plaec to be if you don't mind our 364 days of Summer, just kidding, we have proper seasons, it's just that all the ones that aren't Summer are rather short in comparison).
I figured since this is my first blog, I should probably introduce myself, so here I am, introducing myself.
I have a YouTube ( and well, I think many things, but sometimes I just can't be stuffed (or I don't have enough downloads left) to make those thoughts into a video, so I'm starting a blog.
Well, I guess if you want to know anything else about me, you can check out my About Me or something.