Sunday, January 24, 2010

An open letter to everything I own.

Dear Everything I Own,
Could at least one of you not turn to fail? That'd be awesome.
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dr Batman

I saw someone amazing today. On the bus, there was a woman with an ID card from UQ Medical. Her surname was Batman.
That's right.
I sat on the bus next to the future Dr Batman.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sleep and such

Now that it's holidays, I'm sleeping in until atrociously late. I think the latest so far is 1:30, and I suppose it doesn't help that I've been awake until 2AM. But the fact that I'm actually getting a reasonable amount of sleep means that I'm actually having dreams again. I'm used to getting up before I have that opportunity, so I'd nearly forgotten how totally bizzare my dreams can get. The oddest dream I've ever had was probably the one when I was 5, where I was being chased through a playground by what can only adequately be described as a very flamboyant womble.
Over the past weeks, my dreams have taken me to some very odd places. From a beach party where everyone was drinking glow sticks and subsequently turning different colours and glowing to fighting Godzilla in Hong Kong. At least I think it was Hong Kong, it did look a lot like Chinatown. But according to my dream, it was Hong Kong, and that's what counts. Last night, my dream involved someone I know and I trying to sneak into a movie using tickets we'd bought the day before. As soon as the ticket-dude asked for our tickets, the person I was with shouted "THE GAME IS UP!" and we ran about three flights of stairs down into a very well-lit basement. At that point, we started building a model of a semi-exploded helicopter. That is, a helicopter that is in the process of exploding.
In hindsight, this blog probably wasn't very interesting. I'm hungry. And could really go a chai latte...
Also, External Working, do you still read my blog? Just curious...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Kris wants a blog.
Here is my blog.
Are you happy now, Kris?