Thursday, September 24, 2009


It took me three tries to type that title.
I officially love it in London. It's always overcast (except for right now for some reason) and their monuments make Australia's look rather craptacular. And their eye kicks our ferris wheel wherever ferris wheels are traditionally kicked.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sweet Jumping Jesus

It's 6:10 AM, I've just spent 8 hours on a plane watching How I Met Your Mother and trying to sleep, and now I've got 15 minutes of free internet at Singapore airport.
This rocks so hard.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Just a quick update. Well, actually that was a lie. I have no idea how long this update is going to be, but get your read on anyway. LET ME FEEL THE LOVE!
It has now come to my attention that everything up until this sentence has sounded rather like the way Ziggy speaks. Which does kind of go in favour of Max's Izzie-and-Ziggy-Are-Actually-The-Same-Person theory.
But anyway. Since exam block I've just been a STRESS BUCKET! And I don't know why. YAY! It might have something to do with the fact that even though I have extentions for 3 assignments, I still have less time to do them than everybody else, but more on that later...But since Saturday when I was dragged to Gencon (Gaming convention...I'm not a gamer, but I had, I'm serious) I've managed to unwind and relax, just a little. Well, more than a little, the point where I actually laughed so hard I public...that was awkward.
Right! From this point on, there will be no more points of elipsis! (Point of elipsis = ...) (Except for that one, because it was an example).
Anyway, as far as the Ninjas vs. Pirates debate, I'm embarrassingly neutral. I've shifted from Ninjas to neutral, and now I really feel I should sway one way or the other.
See, ninjas can scale walls, but pirates have rum.
And ninjas have mad skillz with a sword, but pirates have rum.
And ninjas can sit still for about ten days longer than me, but pirates have rum.
Okay, so the rum is not the only reason for the neutrality, but it creates a sense of poetry. Wow, I totally just disclaimer'd my own reasoning.
And even though Saturday was International Talk Like a Pirate day, I didn't do as much talking like a pirate as I normally would have. Although, I did say "MIND CRUSH!" to the dude cosplaying as Yugi.
Anyway, the reason I needed extentions on various assignments is that in about 11 hours, I will be on a plane to EUROPE! I love my school right now. The Performing Arts Europe Tour is three weeks, going from London to Paris to Bonn to Saltzburg to Florence to Rome. I'm actually currently sitting amongst the stuff I have yet to ram into my suitcase and blindly hope that it's under 20 kilograms.
Well, did you enjoy my "quick update"? Of course you did! Toodles, I'll be back in three weeks...jetlagged off my face, but back!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Graph of Awesome

So, I made that video ages ago, but here's the graph.
I put a lot of effort into this graph.
And I added the equations, because I'm a nerd.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maths exam

25 minutes in: 25 minutes...but I've only done two questions!
30 minutes in: ooooookay...maybe I could pretend to faint...
40 minutes in: You's probably not that difficult to tunnel out of here...
45 minutes in: If I crush my hand under the chair, I'll probably black out from the pain.
50 minutes in: That's it! I'm chewing off my foot!
End of exam: Oh...I just got pwned by maths...that's not encouraging...I'm blogging about this!