Thursday, November 27, 2008


Half a day of year 10 left!
that's all I have to say, so use your imagination, everyone.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

3rd blog tonight

My grandma makes the best cookies ever
they're kindof like melting moments, except with chocolate chips
damn they're good

On a bicycle...

If anyone ever tells me that joke again, I will metaphorically tear their heart out through their kneecaps.
If you haven't figured out what joke it is, it is as follows.
Isobella necessary on a bicycle?
I think it has been proven that YES! a bell IS necessary on a bicycle, but I am not. I can't go about sitting on EVERYONE'S BICYCLE AT ONCE!
I will sit on MY bicycle, but any more than one at once is physically impossible.
I'm so bored I'm blogging about bicycles.


I'm pretty much obsessed with this song right now.
Thing is, I've found the guitar chords for it, with the lyrics and everything, and I always knew it was a sad song, but only now have I realised how desperately sad it is.
Espescially the last verse.
Maybe there's a God above
But all I ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebody who outgrew ya.
It's not a cry you can hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light,
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah.
Wow. I think the best version is the Tim Minchin/Geraldine Quinn duet.
Closely followed by Jake's arrangement for "Rock Band 2"

I'm pretty sure that exactly nobody reads my blog, I just feel kindof obliged to write it.
Oh well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm so though proof were needed.

My first A+ since year 7!
It's taken me three years to achieve such perfection again, but I did it.
I mean, I've gotten As since then, but never an A+.
What was it in, you may ask.
Well, it was my Drama performance. I was a pissed off lonery nerd teenager who read fairytales. So I'm pretty damn happy with my epic-as achievement.

I also got my senior blazer today, which is a pretty awesome happening.